Friday, August 16, 2013

The Masked Princess

Taryn had this fabulous idea to make her own princess mask today.  So I drew her a mask on white paper and then she painted it and added the jewels.  What a creative kid!

Monday, August 12, 2013

3rd Grade...Holy Cow!

 The first day of 3rd grade and he slept through the night before.  He wasn't nervous or scared at all.  I guess that means he is growing up.  Sniff Sniff.  Sad!  I want him to stay my little boy forever.
 He couldn't wait to wear his "silky" shorts and shirt, as he calls them.  He was pumped.  I am just proud of him and then sad as well.  I hate to see him grow up. Taryn was glad to see him go.  Ha Ha Ha  She said that she couldn't wait to have mom to herself.  Funny girl.  Love her too!
The kid isn't a kid anymore.  He is a little man.  Love you Tyson.
BTW...he had a great first day at school, loved it!   And after school I took him and Taryn out to the movies to see Despicable Me 2 because I wanted to!  So I did!

DIY Baptism Gift

For once I am on top of things. (I say that now, but watch me fall off this wagon)
My niece's baptism is Sept. 1st and I wanted to make her something from us since we won't be able to go.  I love Pinterest, and found this idea there.  Simple white towel, some Heat n' Bond, fabric and time. 
It also has a poem that goes with it.  The poem talks about how being baptized is like the white towel, and when it gets dirty we can wash it just like how the Savior atoned for our sins.  It is an awesome little poem.  I hope my niece likes it.   Yeah!  One project down, 50 to go.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Personal Progress Night "P"

It was Young Women's personal progress night at the Pellissippi Ward meeting house.  We asked the girls to wear everything that started with the letter "P".  We also ate things that began with "P".  We had pizza, punch and popcorn.
It was a great night. I love these girls.  They are such fun to be around and I love each of their personalities.  I love this calling.

Oak Ridge Beach Day

We took a day last week and decided to have one last hurrah before school starts.  So we emailed all our friends to come and join us and the response was amazing.  There was probably about 30 of us at one point, hanging out at the beach.  I loved it and so did my kids!  
Tyson and Taryn love playing in the sand and then the water, then back to the sand.  It is the best of both worlds.
Elliott and Taryn making sand creations.
My good buddy Stormi and Sienna playing in the sand.
Tyson made this massive sand castle/mote/lake thing.  He then added water to the mix. It was a cool creation.  I love to see him use his imagination and build something.
James made a castle thing too.
Taryn learned how to load up her starfish mold and make sand starfish.  She must have made a tons of them all over the beach. The day was so much fun!  The kids and I didn't want to leave but 4 1/2 hours of sun is a little much.  
At the end, Tyson poured the water into his castle area and it split his dam.  Lol. Oh well.  He had fun building it anyway.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Poison Control

Who has ever really used that number for poison control on the back of something. Luckily I have never had to do that.  But I about did!  Long story short:
I was cleaning over at the Winters' condo and was uncapping the Soft Scrub to clean the tub.  (Something I do all the time). When I uncorked the cap, a tiny hard piece of Soft Scrub flew up into the far corner of my right eye.  Holy Mother Hubbard.  It hurt something fierce!
I quickly put my head under the sink, turned on the water, and let as much as I could stand run into my eye to wash out the chemical.  When I could, I called Vaughn who told me to keep flushing out my eye for the next five minutes.  He also told me that if it didn't get better to call poison control.  Luckily it did get better and I could get out bit by bit of the Soft Scrub.  But the abrasiveness of the chemical had already done some damage to my eye.  It hurt the rest of the day and I kept having a white gunk come out of it.  Finally by the end of the day, my eye was free from the white stuff and felt better.  What a deal...  I must need a swift kick in the butt once in a while. Ha ha ha