Friday, March 15, 2013

My Fast Paced Crazy Week

 Tuesday/Thursday were my last days teaching preschool.  I have enjoying teaching these little ones.  They have so much life and much to talk about.  It cracks me up with what comes out of their mouths.  Here they are displaying there hatching eggs we made.
And since St. Patty's was this week, we had to make shamrocks and rainbows with pots of gold!  I will miss teaching them, even though sometimes it was hard to come up with lessons that were entertaining and educational, I have completely enjoyed the time with them.

Teaching was only half my week.  It all started on Monday with dropping off my mounds of "stuff" for JackandJules Consignment.  I was still tagging my stuff late into Sunday night, which is unlikely for me.  I am usually on top of things, but I have overflowed my plate and so my normal persona has been in a tale spin.
Before dropping off my "stuff" I had a YW presidency meeting, then it was the drop off and then it was off to the high school for dancing.  Then run home, pick up Tyson, do homework, practice piano, eat and go to a scouts pack meeting. Then it was prepare for preschool and make up dances, final stuff for New Beginnings, and go to bed.  YIKES!! And that is just day one.

Tuesday was preschool, Taryn's music class, pick up table cloths and decorations for New Beginnings.  Tyson came home and it was piano practice, homework, eat, put kids to bed and then finish New Beginnings and work on dances.

Wednesday was New Beginnings so I was up bright and early to get to the store for their fresh shipment of flowers.  I wanted first pick.  I came home and made the flower arrangements for New Beginnings and then went to the Consignors sale so I could pre-shop and get the good deals. Taryn and I sat outside in the freezing cold for 45 minutes to get into the door.  I bought all of Taryn's summer clothes and Tyson's shorts for 47.00 total.  I then bought all my nephew's summer clothes for 55.00.  It was a blast. I love buying stuff for a good deal.  At 3:00, I rushed home to get Tyson, then it was a piano practice, homework, music homework, dinner and rush to get ready and out the door for New Beginnings.
We have three new girls coming into Young Womens and I couldn't be more happy.  We treated them to a night of learning about the YW program and a whole bunch of fun goodies that symbolize each value in YW.
Our dessert table was AMAZING!!  Thanks to my councilors and Emily S. it was a sight to behold.  The cupcakes had little tiaras on top of them, courtesy of Megan. It went with our theme, "Daughters of a King." It was a particularly spiritual and fun night.
Then I came home and prepped for preschool and dancing.  I was exhausted!

Thursday was preschool, and then an hour to BREATHE, then back to the high school, home to pick up Tyson, run to piano, run errands while Tyson was at piano and then home for dinner and then I ran off to Stampin' Up.  It was so nice to enjoy some "girl" time and just relax and craft.

Today it was up early to head to a quick meeting, but I had a fight with the curling iron and it won with a nice burn to my right eye lid.  THAT HURT!  Luckily Vaughn was home when it happened and could give me a Rx for prescription burn cream.  It was a good thing because that was the worst burn I have ever experienced.  After my meeting it was a quick lunch, head to the HS and then back to get Tyson, go to the mall for a birthday present, back home and then dinner, movie night and bed; at least for the kids.  I, unfortunately am still up, because I have a lesson for YW to prepare, emails to answer and about 4 shows to catch up.

Oh....and I was asked to be the Craft Girl at YW Girls Camp this July and I picked up a job on the side.  Here we go!!

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